ICS National Customer Service Week at Wightfibre


We’re almost halfway through National Customer Service week now and the entire team here at WightFibre are getting involved with a whole host of activities and exercises which have been planned to raise awareness of customer service and the vital role it plays within our company. We pride ourselves on delivering local, friendly customer service to the highest standard possible and welcome this opportunity to hone our skills, all #BecauseWeCare.

Yesterday, Jason from our Sales department gave us a run down of the week ahead, alongside Zoe Stroud, our Marketing Director…

Today (Tuesday 8th October) has been all about Capability & Skills: Identifying & nurturing customer service skills in our organisation. To highlight this, we are encouraging all of our departments to think about their skills & strengths & how they perceive other departments.

Pop back later in the week for an update and don’t forget – you can get involved and nominate a member of WightFibre staff that has gone the extra mile for you by completing this survey.