Gigabit Voucher Scheme

WightFibre has been successful in securing funding from government to extend the roll out of full-fibre broadband to more premises on the Island. 17,000 premises on the Island have been identified by Building Digital UK (BDUK), the government agency responsible for broadband rollout in the UK as ‘rural’ and funding of up to £9 million has been allocated to WightFibre.
If your property is eligible for a voucher, WightFibre and the Isle of Wight Council requests your support to apply for a voucher to ensure our new full-fibre network reaches as many homes on the Island as possible.
What happens next?
Agree your connection
Look out for the email from the Gigabit Voucher team (part of DCMS). Make sure it doesn’t end up in your spam folder because until you agree the new connection, the team can’t issue a voucher and this could delay your installation.
The email will come from with a link to the Gigabit Voucher website where you’ll find the scheme terms and conditions. If you confirm that you are happy with them, the Gigabit Voucher team will confirm to us that they have issued a voucher for you.
Wait for connection
Once we have delivered your new service we will confirm to the Gigabit Voucher team we have made the connection. They will then request that you validate your connection.
Validate your connection
Look out again for the second email from the Gigabit Voucher team from because this time you will be asked to confirm that the new service has been connected. As soon as you have done this we will be notified as well.
A final email from the Gigabit Voucher team
You will receive one final email to confirm how much your voucher was worth. As a possible follow-up, the Gigabit Voucher team may ask if they can run a spot check on your connection a short time later.