Because We Care
Everything you need to know about WightFibre

About WightFibre

Environment and Sustainability

WightFibre is working hard to reduce our environmental impact with a commitment to be carbon neutral by 2025 and to reach Net Zero by 2030. And these are not just words. We measure and we have already begun to reduce our carbon emissions. WightFibre has a number of projects already underway to reduce our impact on the environment.

Click here to read the WightFibre environmental policy statement

Click here to read the WightFibre Environmental and Social Annual Report 2023

Quantifying Environmental Performance

WightFibre’s total greenhouse gas emission for the year 2020-21 was 387 tonnes CO2e. This works out at 41 kg CO2e per customer.

The main source of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the provision of this service is electricity, which is used to run the data centre and street cabinets. These Scope 2 emissions total 177 tonnes CO2e. However, it should be noted that whilst this is reported in strict accordance with government reporting requirements, the electricity used which represents 51% of WightFibre’s electricity consumption is bought on a green tariff and is thus 100% green.

The use of fuel is the next source of greenhouse gas emissions. These Scope 1 emissions total 133 tonnes CO2e. Of these Scope 1 emissions 97% arise from the WightFibre vehicle fleet. The fleet has grown significantly in the last few years as the company has grown. In 2021 WightFibre initiated a programme to phase out petrol/diesel vehicles and replace with electric vehicles where possible and hybrid vehicles where not. The aim is to achieve an all-electric fleet by 2026.

The analysis of Scope 3 emissions will be expanded to include a first estimate of the greenhouse gas emissions attributable to staff commuting and methodologies developed for analysing the scope 3 emissions associated with the procurement and use of materials.

Looking Ahead

The main environmental objectives for WightFibre in this year will be to consolidate and build on the progress achieved this year.

Once completed this will be used to set realistic and achievable reduction targets.

The programme to green the WightFibre vehicle fleet has begun with the delivery of the first two fully electric and four hybrid-electric vans.