It’s Election Day, but would you vote online?

VOTEFastestIWThis year has seen a rise in voters asking why they cannot yet vote online, after all, Estonians have had the facility since 2005. The availability of online voting in Estonia has lead to up to 2.3% more votes being used, with 18.5% of online voters saying that they either ‘probably’ or ‘definitely’ wouldn’t have voted if they could not do so online. Facebook have again enabled their controversial ‘I’m a Voter’ button today so that people can indicate to their friends and family that they have voted. There is no proof needed to use this button, you do not have to say who you have voted for and you can add a personalised message in an attempt to sway your contacts.  There have been whispers of online voting for years now and this issue comes with a long list of pros and cons. Do you think the ability to vote at home would make you more definite in your choice, without fear of being judged in a public place or do you think that making online voting available would promote under hand tactics and the possibility of bribery? These are all issues that this article from the BBC has broached with some interesting points and information.

If you’d like to know when the constituencies will be announcing counts tonight, then take a look at this helpful table of expected times. The Isle of Wight is expected to be announced at around 3am and Hampshire constituencies will be anywhere between 2.30am and 6am.

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