Lanesend Primary School Junior Rock Challenge 2017

Wightfibre are proud to be once again sponsoring Lanesend Primary school for their entry in next year’s Junior Rock Challenge. Junior Rock Challenge UK is a series of performing arts events which promotes healthy life choices for young people. The aim, is to be the best you can be without the aid of anything prohibited and unhealthy which rock stars are sadly notorious for using.
Headteacher of Lanesend Primary, Mrs Caroline Sice, is ecstatic about receiving sponsorship for this year’s Junior Rock Challenge. Here she explains how this year’s performance will be themed around the wonderful world of Roald Dahl:
“I am delighted to say that we are once again entering Junior Rock Challenge. This year our performance is going to showcase a selection of Roald Dahl stories and how his memory lives on even today! Our children will reveal Roald Dahl writing in his shed and how these ideas have developed into family favourites such as James and The Giant Peach, Matilda, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and the Witches. Our piece this year will be full of excitement, imagination and magic!” – Mrs Caroline Sice, Lanesend Primary Headteacher
On the show day, competing schools and colleges in Hampshire will assemble to rehearse, build friendships and most importantly, have fun! The resulting show is usually a sell-out, where the youngsters will perform to their friends, family and local community. The performances are judged by a panel of specialists from the performing arts industry and the winning school or college from the regional heats are then invited to take part in the UK Southern Grand Final.
Wightfibre would like to wish Lanesend Primary the best of luck and look forward to hearing about how the competition goes for them and everyone involved.