Royal Isle of Wight Agricultural Society County Show


Despite adverse weather the previous day, the Royal Isle of Wight Agricultural Society County Show went ahead and proved to be a wonderful day, with record numbers in attendance this year.

Brian Curtis Photo of IWCounty Show

Visitors to the ground were treated to falconry displays, a gun dog display, pole climbing, Wight Diamonds marching band, morris dancers, pigeon shooting and much more.

IW County Show Other Events (1)

The Main Ring sponsored by Wightfibre was host to a multitude of the events including the 10m Charity Wall Climb. The competition, which boasted a top prize of £300 was entered by 8 local charities, each with teams of three. The teams competed to scale the 10m climbing wall (donated by Challenge and Adventure) in the quickest time to be declared the #FastestIW team.

Age UK Climbing Team  Earl Mounbatten Hospice Team

The winners of the £300 prize for first place was awarded to Cowes Royal National Lifeboat Institute. More news from the County Show and details of the runners up to follow…

RNLI IWCounty Show Cowes RNLI at IW County Show 10m Charity Climbing Competition

Cowes RNLI at IW County Show

You can check your broadband and see if you’re #FastestIW by visiting the Isle of Wight Speedtest – You could even win a 64GB iPad Air!

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