WightFibre Achieves ServiceMark Accreditation with Distinction


We’re delighted to announce that we have been accredited with the ServiceMark with Distinction award from the Institute of Customer Service!

What is the ICS ServiceMark?

The ICS ServiceMark is awarded based on customer satisfaction feedback and an assessment of employee engagement with customer service strategy. It helps organisations understand how effective their customer service strategy is, and identifies areas for improvement. Undergoing ServiceMark accreditation is an opportunity to demonstrate how good a company’s customer service really is, as well as find ways to develop it further. Essentially, it is a barometer of the state of customer satisfaction in the UK.


How customers describe their experience with us

The word cloud shows which words were used the most when customers were asked to give up to three words to describe their most recent experience with WightFibre. The bigger the word the more times it was mentioned.

89 WightFibre Customer Satisfaction Index

76.8 UK all-sector Customer Satisfaction Index average

What is involved?

There are three stages to the ServiceMark Accreditation:

  1. Self-assessment using ServCheck: an assessment of employees’ engagement with customer service strategy.
  2. Customer feedback: obtained through UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI) business benchmarking data.
  3. Independent assessment over a number of site visits to verify you are meeting the benchmarks and implementing action plans to develop areas of improvement.

How did we measure up?

ServCheck, one third of the review, is an assessment from the employees side. The online survey assesses our employees views of how our strategy, organisation, culture and processes enable us to deliver world class customer service. It also helps us to benchmark against other sectors and identify areas of focus for our service development plan. Our ServCheck Index of 88.6 proved considerably higher than both the overall Media, Post & Telecommunications Sector ServChech Index of 74.93, and the All Sectors ServCheck Index of 75.09.

Subsequently, our client survey used to provide customer feedback followed a similar trend. Our Customer Satisfaction Index of 89, was well above the Telecommunications & Media Index of 74.3, and once more both figures were above the overall UK Index of 76.8.

The result was an accreditation of the ICS ServiceMark with Distinction. The ICS ServiceMark with Distinction is a commendation that has only been awarded to 18 companies in the UK this year, placing WightFibre in the top echelon of customer service in the UK.

ICS ServiceMark Accreditation with Distinction – awarded for 2021 – 2024