Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce Business Expo 2016

On Wednesday the 21st of September, the Lakeside Park Hotel and Spa welcomed the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce Business Expo. The Expo was the biggest to date with hundreds of visitors in attendance to see over sixty exhibitors who were taking part.
Wightfibre were pleased to sponsor the event as they have done in previous years and CEO John Irvine spoke at the evening reception the night prior to the event to welcome business owners and update the audience on Wightfibre’s progress and plans for the next two years. In his speech, John spoke about the new development in Wootton which will see Ultrafast broadband delivered to homes for the first time and Wightfibre’s plans to introduce Business Mobile services from 2017.
Throughout the day there were seminars from professionals providing essential, practical business advice ranging from debt recovery and how to get the most out of your staff to customer service and getting started with Google adwords. The seminars also saw Dale Howarth delivering an insight into the Mini MBA qualification the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce have recently started to offer.
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